Roll Goods Inspection, Optimization, Cutting and Packaging Wireless Machine Monitoring and Control Weave Monitoring Agriculture Monitoring and Control Murata Air Jet Spinning Monitoring
Jim White & Associates is a softwareand hardware systems developerspecializing in productionmanagement systems for themanufacturing and agricultureindustries since 1983. TheIntegrator(TM) software systemcurrently is used by 65% of allMurata Air Jet and Vortex spinninginstallations in North America.Our roll goods cut optimizationsoftware and cutting frame controlsoftware is the most effective in theindustry with many installationsaround the world. The software isused for optimization and cutting ofroll goods inspected by Elbit VisualSystem's computer controlled defectdetection and imaging system as wellas roll goods manually inspected.
Our customers are leaders in their industry. Examples of them are: US Companies: International: Glen Raven Mills TDV Industries, France Mt. Vernon Mills Copaco NV, Belgium Tencate St. Gobain, Mexico Mannington Mills Visaka Industries, India Denim North America Frontier Spinning Parkdale Mills Inman Mills Alice Manufacturing Hamrick Mills Milliken & Company