MJS32 - Configuration

Lot Setup

MJS 32 allows Lot assignments to any number of machines. This feature is useful for comparing machines running the same material or comparing different materials.

Use the following procedure to create new lots:

  1. Select Maintenance from the menu (Figure 1).
  2. Select Lot Change from the Maintenance menu.
  3. Enter the password (Murata) and click OK (Figure 2).
  4. Type a new lot name (10 characters maximum) in the Active Lots field (see Figure 3).
  5. Click on each machine (one at a time in the Lot column) that will be assigned to the new lot.
  6. Enter the delivery speed for the new lot into the Active Speeds field.
  7. Click on each machine (one at a time in the Speed column) that will be assigned to the new speed.
  8. Enter the date and shift the lot change will be active.
  9. If you make a mistake click Cancel and repeat steps 1 through 8. Otherwise click OK.

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

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Group Setup

Use the following procedure to create new Groups:

  1. Select Maintenance from the menu (Figure 1).
  2. Select Group Change from the Maintenance menu.
  3. Enter the password (Murata) and click OK (Figure 2).
  4. Type a new group name (4 characters maximum) in the Active Groups field (see Figure 4).
  5. Click on each machine (one at a time in the Group column) that will be assigned to the new group.
  6. Enter the date and shift the group change will be active.
  7. If you make a mistake click Cancel and repeat steps 1 through 6. Otherwise click OK.

Figure 4

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